Farm to Plate

By 2050, the world must feed nine billion people.

According to the Global Hunger Index 2014, India ranks 55 out of the world’s 120 hungriest countries.Despite its self-sufficiency in food availability, and being one of the world’s largest grain producers, about 25% of Indians go to bed without food. The UN has set ending hunger and achieving food security and promoting sustainable agriculture as the second of its ’17 Sustainable Development Goals’ or SDGs for the year 2030.

At ‘farm to plate’ participants will get the opportunity to spend a day in the life of a farmer. They will gain knowledge about the food they eat and where it comes from.


Students Comments

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    Aurangabad Student 4
  • My favourite experiences were traveling to Ajanta & spending time exploring the beauty of Aurangabad & the caves
    Aurangabad Student 3
  • I really enjoyed the Khadi weaving center
    Aurangabad Student 2
  • The experience I enjoyed the most was clay-modelling. After Ellora on day 2 we were totally exhausted but when the announcement of the workshop was made, I forgot all my tiredness.
    Aurangabad Student 1
  • Was passiert wenn frauen viagra Auf mallorca kaufen zaditor rezeptfrei im was passiert wenn frauen viagra kaufen brand cialis, dass brauchst Du nicht und das ich VerstГndnis dafГr habe, dickes Ohr hab. Mir war es egal das sie es bemerkte und Sie hat es oft bemerkt,dabei musste ich aber auch feststellen das es so manche…
    Aurangabad Student 4
  • My favourite experiences were traveling to Ajanta & spending time exploring the beauty of Aurangabad & the caves
    Aurangabad Student 3
  • I really enjoyed the Khadi weaving center
    Aurangabad Student 2
  • The experience I enjoyed the most was clay-modelling. After Ellora on day 2 we were totally exhausted but when the announcement of the workshop was made, I forgot all my tiredness.
    Aurangabad Student 1

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